Ethical and Social Issues of Gene Cloning

      The topic of gene cloning certainly has some ethical issues and these 'issues' can affect the patient in a emotional, physical, and health-concerned way. Many disputes between people have been going on for a long time now, and no one has come to an exact conclusion of whether gene cloning is a good idea or a bad idea. Cloning a particular gene can have its positives and its negatives, and these reasons can affect how the patient feels, and how their everyday life goes on.
Many scientists/citizens believe that gene cloning can be a valuable source of research that can be used for the better good of mankind. They believe that this is a great idea, because gene cloning can prove to become successful in medical experiments and research. In fact, what gene cloning can possibly do is quite remarkable.

The Pros:
  • Gene cloning can replace damaged cells and grow new ones; thus they can be used to make organs for transplants.
  • Gene cloning can also clear the line for organ transplants and make it more efficient and easy for patients requiring a transplant; giving those people a life once more.
  • Normal genes can be inserted into a human with a genetic disease to relieve their conditions or to even come near to a plausible cure; these genes will wipe out those distorted genes through natural selection (e.g. Gene Therapy).  
  • Gene cloning can be used in agriculture; to enhance the quality of our crops by making them resistant to pests, infections.
  • It can provide a valuable field of research for scientists searching for cures in genetic disorders (ex: down syndrome, Haemophilia, etc.).
  • Gene Cloning can be used to FIND a cure for genetic disorders and syndromes and may appear as a major medical breakthrough in history.
  • Gene Cloning can halt the controversial use of animal testing, thus supporting religious groups or organizations like PETA, and the well-being of those creatures. 

-While gene cloning definitely has its positives, negatives come down just as hard.- 

The Cons:
  • Gene cloning can generate a black-market where celebrities' genes may be “sold” illegally such as drugs and goods in today's society.
  • People may have a loss of genetic variation, cloned organs may turn out to be morphed or ineffective, which wastes a ton of money (for each error).
  • Celebrities may clone their genes and sell them to make more money. These types of methods are not fair and is used for one's unnecessary benefit and media attention.
  • Extra taxes may be imposed to supply for these medical treatments; and people may end up getting fed with taxes on their incomes, etc.  
  • Businesses can buy these methods to use it for their companies' benefits, and this technique may turn out to be a issue of “business” than a “medical breakthrough.”
  • Gene cloning will raise the question of human morality; is it infringing with our freedoms and human dignity? Is it opposing mother nature and the moral path? Is is interfering with religion and culture and opposing some of these ideals or customs and thus, eventually go in the wrong path? (such as illegal business, human trafficking, etc.) 
  • Cloned plants (vegetation propagation) may have some serious side effects
      • Might be money and time consuming in terms of cost and time period.
      • Cannot reproduce (lack the ability to reproduction; depend on humans).
      • There is no DIVERSITY; so all the genetically identical plants are vulnerable to be eliminated totally by a disease (genetic diversity is what that ensures the survival of a certain types of species: plants & animals).
      • May have harmful effects on human health (cloned plants have not been fully tested yet)
      • May generate a lot of controversy in religious groups opposing this type of genetic practice since it is against 'Mother Nature.'
      As you can see there are many positive and negative factors in gene cloning and these reasons can affect how the patient can feel and how the patient’s life moves on. It can affect a person’s life/feelings in a positive way if the cloning proves successful and also create another human with those 'specific genes' when the technology further advances.. Another example is, if cloned genes were used for organ transplants in patients it can save lives and further diminish the worry in a person for using another person's body part (since their own DNA can be used to grow the organ). And when said 'saving' lives, it is on a HUGE scale. There is a enormous queue for organ transplants out there. Nevertheless, Gene cloning can also impact the patient negatively if something does not work well. If the gene does not function, and this effects the patient's health, this may cause a disability in the person's organ/body and lead to another disease. This technique may turn out to be so controversial that it can appear as the hot topic in religious leaders' opposition against technologies that invade nature and morality. Moreover, the patient may be on the question of whether he/she is going against nature by benefiting from this controversial technology and might be guilty inside of being part of it throughout his/her life.  
        As you can see, gene cloning can be either harsh or positive for the patient itself. There are many good and negative things that gene cloning brings to the world. The question is, is it for the better good, or is it for worse?

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