Friday, November 2, 2012

What is Gene Cloning?

        Within the medical field, the main purpose of gene cloning is usually for research purposes and studying. When doctors and scientists do experiments with genes, it is usually necessary to have multiple types of the same gene so they can perform multiple different experiments. Instead of taking multiple genes from the same source, they can now take only one gene, and clone it multiple times. Cloned genes can also be used to study the proteins they hold more easily. A cloned gene;s genetic code is the same as a eukaryote, which means that when the cloned gene has been introduced to a bacterium,  this bacterium can lead to it producing its own protein product. Gene cloning also lets scientists study the 'preferred' gene in isolation, away from its original source, allowing for experiments to take place on the gene. Other reasons for gene cloning include:

1) Stem cell research: Doctors are trying to find ways to clone stem cells to aid in research. This evolution can lead to treatment of diseases such as diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, etc. and replace damaged organs.

Will stem cell research be the drastic change of our era?

2) Gathering Proteins: In the past, when doctors needed certain proteins, these proteins would have to be extracted from their natural source. However, this was seen as expensive, difficult and ineffective. With gene cloning, doctors can take one protein from its source, and duplicate it as many times as needed.

3) Animal testing: Doctors and scientists tend to use animals as test subjects, but lots of people see this as wrong and cruel. Also these test subjects would take a while to prepare, as they had to have special mutations in their genes. It would also take many generations of these animals for doctor to have a test subject on test on which had the special mutation. Or worse, scientists may inject human hormones or genes into living animals to see the impact it has on those poor little creatures. Gene cloning can aid in reducing the time needed to make/prepare these animals, and can result in a lower population of these animals needed for study.

Gene Cloning can eliminate the cruel use of these animals for experiments

4) Animal farming: Farm animals like sheep, cows and goats have been genetically engineered to produce special proteins that can be extremely useful in medicines. With the help of gene cloning, mass herds of these genetically engineered animals can be produced faster and quicker.

5) Reviving extinct species: With the help of gene cloning, extinct species such as dinosaurs can be revived. Is this likely? No, not really. Scientists need a well preserved source of DNA of a said creature or a related animal that can act as a mother. More recent extinct animals can be revived as parts of their undamaged DNA can still be found. However, creatures like dinosaurs who existed for millions of years before us, their remaining DNA have probably been damaged and cannot be used. Also reviving those creatures requires a lot of money.